Born 1995 in Wertheim, Germany
Lives and works in Berlin.

ballweg.johanna (at)

from 2023        Universität der Künste Berlin  
2022 – 2023    Guest /Universität der Künste Berlin, Klasse Streuli 
2018 – 2019    Erasmus/  ENSAD Paris
2015 – 2020    Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin

Exhibitions/ Other
- Aug  2024: ‚2do:FEST/ copy to clipboard (AT)‘, group show, Backshop Brunnenstrasse 107, Berlin
- Aug 2024:  shortfilm and video screening marathon, video Screening, HÉROINE, Frankfurt
- June 2024: ‚museumFLUXUS+studis 2024' (nominee), FLUXUS+ Museum, Potsdam
- July 2023: ‚Show 0‘, group exhibition, KA23 Art Space, Berlin
- April 2023:  ‚Oben‘, group exhibition, S-Bahnhof Prenzlauer Allee, Berlin
- Dec 2022: ‚2do:FEST / Memories In A Room‘ , art event, Schönhauserallee 161A Berlin
- July 2022: ‚Strange Homes‘, group exhibition, Spoiler Aktionsraum, Berlin

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All images and texts are copyrighted and owned by Johanna Ballweg. Under no circumstances shall these digital files, images, videos and texts be used, copied, displayed or pulled from this site without the expressed written agreement of Johanna Ballweg.                                                 © 1995 – 2022 Johanna Ballweg

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Johanna Ballweg // ballweg.johanna (at)

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